Health Thoughts for Physical, Mental and Beyond

Sunday, May 07, 2006


"THOUGHTS" is supposed to be this blog's title, cause really "Human life is meant for thoughtfulness"
I first offer all my respects to my True Friend and Teacher from whom I recieved all these transcendental knowledge cause without Him my existence will be useless and be wasted to the darkness of ignorance.

"Human life is meant for thoughtfulness" The more serious people ask questions about what real life is? who am i? what am i doing here? sufferrings! why? happiness! Where is it? Death! What's next? Unlimited inquiries about life and the experience of what life itself is the main concern of an intelligent individual.
Intelligence distinguish us humans from animals and other living matters.
Intelligence elevates and enhances human life. Animals have intelligence too but to inquire to the real meaning of life, its purpose and the search for one's identity gives human a "higher intelligence" than animals that is why "Thoughtfulness is meant fo human life"
Animals and human both eat, sleep, mate, and defend. We have sex, and animals have their own way of doing it that even us humans explore how animals mate in search for the real happiness and bliss we are always looking atinstead of the flickering enjoyment everyvody is experiencing now. "I can't get No satisfaction" Mick Jagger of the Rolling Sones sings.


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